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Io Saturnalia: Merry Christmas the Roman Way

Discover this mid-winter week-long festival of the Saturnalia, a party in which the ‘serious was barred’. Saturnalia honoured the god Saturn and remembered his Golden Age on Earth when no one had to work. So parties, good food, silly games such as Forfeits, singing and gambling – even for slaves - were the order of the week. Accredited Lecturer Gillian Howell highlights how holly wreaths, presents, candles, even cheap party hats at the main meal all originate from this pre-Christmas Christmastime festival! You’ll have plenty to fascinating and fun facts chat about over the Christmas dinner!


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The Arts Society Chichester Lavant Valley has awarded funds to Tuppenny Barn in West Sussex which supports the community by offering social, educational and horticultural experiences to help improve the mental health of those most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

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Wonderful, thank you.

Janet Tue, 21/12/2021 - 12:50 Permalink

Yo Saturnalia!
Thank you so much, that was just wonderful.

Clara Sun, 19/12/2021 - 18:24 Permalink

Thoroughly enjoyable presentation. Thank you

louise Sun, 19/12/2021 - 16:54 Permalink

What a treat, thank you!

Carol Caiger Fri, 17/12/2021 - 13:27 Permalink

Festive and fun, great presenter and a real treat!

Jessica Wolff Thu, 16/12/2021 - 15:32 Permalink

Terrific presentation and great fun. My favourite so far!

Wendy Moore Wed, 15/12/2021 - 22:19 Permalink

Well what fun was that! Cheered me no end as I sit here coping with cough and cold - jolly and informative reminding us all that Christmas is not to be forgotten

Margaret Wed, 15/12/2021 - 15:51 Permalink

Gillian, what a fun and festive offering today - indeed Yo Saturnalia. I loved all the extra bits of historical info you gifted us with this presentation. Happy Christmas to you and your team

Helen Wed, 15/12/2021 - 02:41 Permalink

Lovely humorous and informative talk, just right pre-Christmas

Jenny Tue, 14/12/2021 - 19:16 Permalink

A charming speaker and very cheerful presentation; it has made me to actually look forward to Christmas despite all the setbacks. Thank you Gillian! And a Happy Christmas!

Morvyth Seely Tue, 14/12/2021 - 17:03 Permalink